What Documents You Will Need to Get A Hard Money Loan In California

The majority of lenders base their decision to extend a loan mainly on your credit score, income and other associated factors. California hard money lenders, on the other hand, give loans secured and underwritten by collateral. With a hard money loan, you can obtain the funding you require for investment or business purposes even if you don’t have a high credit score or other qualifications needed to be eligible for a conventional loan.

Even though a hard money loan doesn’t have the same requirements as a more conventional loan, you still need to provide some documents for this type of loan transaction.


In most of the scenarios, the 1st document you’ll need to complete to get a hard money financing is the primary loan application. This application may ask you to supply info regarding your loan’s purpose, the collateral, your income and more. The level of detail needed on a hard money loan application can differ substantially by lender. The specifics of your loan may also determine the level of detail needed on this 1st piece of paperwork.

Equal Credit Opportunity Act Notice:

Under federal rule, lenders aren’t permitted to differentiate against borrowers based on specific aspects, encompassing sex, age, marital status, race, religion and more. Lenders must give a notice of these needs to borrowers under the Consumer Credit Protection Act.

Mortgage Loan Disclosure Statement:

The Mortgage Loan Disclosure Statement gives with precise info regarding the terms of the loan you’re looking for, alongside the fees you’ll pay to get it. This will be provided (alternatively a loan estimate and loan estimate supplement may be substituted).

Fair Lending Notice:

Identical to the Equal Credit Opportunity Act Notice, the Fair Lending Notice is a disclosure needed by federal law that states the lender’s compulsion to avoid particular prejudiced practices.

Hazard Insurance Disclosure:

It explains your rights & accountabilities in respect to sustaining insurance coverage on the real estate that secures your loan.

Deed of trust:

This document is designed to bring in a 3rd party to assure that both you & the lender sustain your responsibilities as determined by the loan contract.

Escrow instructions:

The escrow instructions are detailed, written requirements.

Promissory note:

When you sign this document, you’re promising to make your loan payments on the exact dates until the loan is paid in full.

For the most trusted Hard Money Lenders in California, look no further than All California Lending. Rest assured that we will make the full process of obtaining a hard money loan easy and convenient.

Source from: https://allcalifornialending.wordpress.com/2021/09/23/what-documents-you-will-need-to-get-a-hard-money-loan-in-california/


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