All You Need To Know About Hard Money Lenders

Hard money loans! Private lenders! Have you been hearing these two terms frequently after you have decided to invest in a real estate property? And you are eager to know more about these loans? Then check out the post below:

What are Hard Money Loans?

Hard money loans are short term loans that are secured by collateral or real estate. Such loans are granted based on the value of the property rather than your creditworthiness. However, hard money loans come with higher interest rates when compared to traditional loans and the term usually lasts for 1-3 years. The person or group of persons who fund hard money loans are known as private money lenders or hard money lenders.

When should you consider hard money loans?

There are many situations where hard money loans may be your best option. Some of the situations include quick turnaround situations, the need for short-term financing for a property in need of repairs and financing when you have a poor credit score.

Who are hard money lenders?

Hard money lenders provide loans to real estate investors by securing one or more properties. It is true that hard money lenders charge higher rates and fees than the traditional financing institutions, but the lending process is quicker comparatively. Hard money lenders focus mainly on the collateral for the loan which is the borrower's property and often do not consider the property cash flow and credit score.

What are the different types of Hard Money Lenders?

You can find different types of hard money lenders in the market. The different lenders include:

  • Wealthy individuals interested in real estate providing loans for cash flow.
  • Funds established specifically for making these loans.
  • Mortgage brokers with a number of high net worth clients investing in loans.

Which option is best for you?  It depends on the situation.

How to Find Hard Money Lenders?

The best and easiest way to find hard money lenders in San Diego or any other place is through a referral or looking at reviews online. Ask other real estate investors you know and trust about what hard money lenders they have used. Also, you may attend real estate events and ask individuals you meet there about reputable hard money lenders. Lastly, you can also talk to affluent people you know who are interested in real estate investment.

How Hard Money Lenders Select whom to Provide a Loan?

Not every hard money lender is the same. They differ from one another, but they all tend to focus on specific concepts. The common aspects they look for in actual borrower include:

  • Deliverability of the loan
  • Risk of loss depending upon the loan amount or the basic asset value
  • Strength of the Borrower
  • Borrower's Business Plan
  • Borrower's plan to repay the loan

The aspects of the property they look for include:

  • The actual value of the property right now
  • The scope of improvement to be made to the property and the value of it after the improvements
  • Ease of foreclosing the property
  • Liquidity of the actual market


All California Lending is a reputable hard money lender in San Diego and throughout California, who are well known for their trustworthiness.


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